The « #NOlist » : Declaring war against the bad practices of multinationals
The international Nuit Debout network declares war on multinationals and promotes alternatives to the products and brands of the most controversial companies.

The launch of the « #NOlist » campaign was decided by the international participants at Global Debout meeting in Paris over the weekend of 7-8 May where during the meeting which brought together over more than 250 activists from Europe and other countries worldwide.

Coca Cola is the first company skewered [fingered] by the movement, in support of the struggle being carried out by workers in the Spanish peninsula “CocaCola en lucha” (CocaCola workers’ struggle).

With more than 300 squares occupied in 28 countries on 15 May in response to the call from Global Debout, the Parisian participants explained on Sunday the principle of the international #NOList campaign, whose internet platform is going to be unveiled soon on Sunday 22 May, simultaneously to the first international moblizations concerning Coca Cola. The first direct public nomination of the second « NoList » company will take place on 15 June.

On Sunday, from Puerta del Sol plaza where tens of thousands of citizens were united for the anniversary of the Madrid indignados, the « 15M », the Spanish addressed the NuitDebout general assembly gathered at Place de la République in Paris. Connected by telephone with the Parisian crowd, who continue their mobilization against the El Khomri Law (proposed legislation substantially modifying the French Labor Code), the 15M reminded everyone that the origin of the « CocaCola en lucha » campaign is the workers’ struggles.

According to Pascale, a Parisian who is strongly involved in the international campaign, « the #NOlist principle is simple: it’s a matter of creating and kindling a stock exchange of fear. We want to force changes to the worst practices of certain multinationals as regards human rights, salary policies or respect for the environment. To rise up in revolt is also to build, and the key to the #NOlist is that alternatives to the skewered [fingered] product must be nominated [proposed] and chosen [elected] ».

As soon as the web tool is launched, the citizens themselves will propose to “Nolist” certain companies, indicating at the same time the bad practices to be denounced, and the alternatives to their products. It will also be the citizens who will elect, every 2 to 4 weeks, the next “nolisted” company and the alternatives to be promoted. Mobilizations, directly and/or by internet, will be organized each time a new company and alternatives are added to the #NOlist.

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